2022 Winner

Periods for Periods
"Periods for Periods"
"Periods for Periods"
To address period poverty – the lack of access to and affordability of menstrual products – Rethink created Periods for Periods, envisioning an entire font set comprised of periods to transform every message into a form of protest. Over 230 unique periods, ranging from literal to metaphorical in a red and pink palette, were crafted by various iconic designers. The period font was available on the Periods for Periods website, downloadable for free. The periods were used in social posts, and stickers appeared on government buildings and signs across North America. The font was also supported by one of the world’s largest and most recognizable organizations for women’s rights, the YWCA.
Client: Periods for PeriodsAgency: Rethink
Chief Creative Officer: Aaron Starkman
Chief Strategy Officer: Sean McDonald
Executive Creative Director: Morgan Tierney, Leia Rogers
Creative Director: Hans Thiessen, Sean O’Connor
Associate Creative Director: Cam Spires
Art Director: Ashley Visvanathan
Designer: Ashley Visvanathan
Developer: Ken Malley
Writer: Cam Spires
Producers: Kyle Hicks, Sarah Lee
Lead Strategist: Darren Yada
Strategist: Aliz Tennant, Sara Lemmermeyer
Account Director: Ida Lotfi
Account Manager: Isha Kanyal
Editor: Leigh O'Neill