2022 Winner

SilverArt Direction
HomeEquity Bank & Royal Canadian Legion
"Orders of Sacrifice "
Zulu Alpha Kilo
"Orders of Sacrifice "
Zulu Alpha Kilo
For Remembrance Day, HomeEquity Bank, the Royal Canadian Legion and Zulu Alpha Kilo recreated World War II field rations, compiled together in a kit and made available for delivery on DoorDash. Field rations included tins or cans of corned beef, sardines, evaporated milk, biscuits, tea and chocolate.
References were provided by the Canadian Museum of War to ensure historical accuracy for the typography, packaging and paper stock. Each label featured a story about the item, while a card with a QR code was included in the kit to access a video featuring veterans talking about rations during the war. The entire interactive experience was designed to make the past tangible for today’s Canadians. The campaign yielded 5.4 million impressions and $458,000 in online donations.
References were provided by the Canadian Museum of War to ensure historical accuracy for the typography, packaging and paper stock. Each label featured a story about the item, while a card with a QR code was included in the kit to access a video featuring veterans talking about rations during the war. The entire interactive experience was designed to make the past tangible for today’s Canadians. The campaign yielded 5.4 million impressions and $458,000 in online donations.
Agency: Zulu Alpha KiloChief Creative Officer: Zak Mroueh
Executive Creative Director: Brian Murray
Art Directors: Vic Bath, Michael Romaniuk
Copywriters: Dan Cummings, Marco Buchar
Design Director: Dejan Djuric
Designer: Jackman Chiu
Agency Producer: Tim Lynch
Account Team: David Tremblay, Samantha Tang, Rob Feightner
Client: HomeEquity Bank / Royal Canadian Legion
Clients: Yvonne Ziomecki, Vivianne Gauci, Erin Wilson, Niary Toodakian, Sonia Gill
Media Agency: OMD, iQuanti
Media Team: Dwayne Mataseje (OMD), Mitchell Cornelisse (OMD), Justin Lee (iQuanti)
PR Agency: Weber Shandwick
PR Team: Jacklyn Power, Jennifer Wasley
Production House: Zulubot
Director: Vic Bath, Dan Cummings
Production House Producers: Mitch Cappe, Sarah Dayus
Director of Photography: Kyle Chappell
Editing Company: Zulubot
Editor: Max Lawlor, Mitch Reed
Online: Zulubot
Colour Grading: Felipe Chaparro
Audio Engineer: Dino Cuzzolino
Photographer: Noah Mroueh