2024 Winner

BronzeVisual Effects

"New Heights"
00001Prod / Cossette
Recyc-Québec wanted to highlight the environmental impact of excessive consumption, so it turned to 00001prod and Cossette to create a powerful visual metaphor: an ascent up a daunting mountain of trash. The film's narrative takes viewers on an emotional journey, one that uses extensive visual effects but still manages to emphasize the human element and connect to viewers through themes of perseverance and peril.

The VFX took advantage of camera angles, atmospheric effects and sharp sound design to carefully orchestrate a visceral experience. The use of a small soundstage added additional challenges, requiring meticulous planning and expert execution to convey the magnitude of the issue. The culmination of all that effort is a visually striking and resonant film that carries an impactful message about the consequences
of unchecked accumulation.


CG & VFX Artists: Etienne Theriault, Nicolas St-Cyr, Olivier Ruel, Mathieu Arvisais
VFX supervisor: Frédéric Milot
Producer: Nathalie Norambuena
Matte painting: Nicolas Cloutier

AGENCY: Cossette Québec
Executive Creative Director : Anne-Claude Chénier
Creative Director : Richard Rochette-Villeneuve
Copywriter : Sébastien Forget
Art Director : Nicolas Baillargeon

Production Company : 00001Prod
Producer : Sophie Gérard
Director : François Jaros
Director of Photography: Olivier Gossot
Production Designer: Maxine Dutil-Gravel
Costume Designer: Naomi Larocque

Editorial: Post430
Producer: Éric Bolduc
Editor: Mathieu Lebel

Colour: SHED
Colourist: Charles-Etienne Pascal