2024 Winner

BronzeHealth and Wellness Education and Advocacy
"The Face of Smoking"
Publicis Montréal
"The Face of Smoking"
Publicis Montréal
Kids in Quebec typically start smoking at the age of 12. To prevent teens from picking up the habit, RSEQ (Quebec Student Sports Network), the governing body of primary and secondary school, collegiate and university sport in Quebec, launched its first TikTok campaign, “The Face of Smoking,” by Publicis. The work featured a TikTok filter, which showed the devastating effects of smoking on youth’s appearance: yellow teeth, eye bags and irritation, blemishes and dull skin. The filter came to life on social media, film and on posters. The filter was used over 400,000 times and those who saw smoking as cool decreased by 25% while those who saw it as gross rose by 30%.
Client : RSEQ (Stéphane Boudreau, Karina Jaramillo-Mesa et Maude Ruel-Tremblay)Agency : Publicis Montreal
Vice-presidence, Chief Creative Officer: Sann Sava
Creative Direction : Mélissa Charland
Copywriting: Jean-François Côté, Susannah Rubin, Antoine Leclerc
Art Direction: Alix Neyvoz, Mélissa Charland, Maude Fortier, Thomas Li Vigni
Motion Design: Raphaëlle Brillant-Marquis
Vice-presidence, General Manager: Camille Fortier-Jordan
Account Direction: Carl Godbout, Marie-Maxime Bélanger
Account Coordination: Laurence Desjardins, Léa Ferrez
Vice-presidence, strategy: Mathieu de Margerie
Strategy Director : Andréa Fortin Strategist: Mathilde Degletagne
House production: Rodéo Production
Director/photographer: Gabrielle SykesPost-production: Rodeo FX
Sound: Le Pub