2024 Winner


CEE Centre For Young
Black Professionals

"Who I Really Am"
Publicis Groupe
Toronto’s CEE Centre for Young Black Professionals addressed Canada’s hiring bias problem by raising awareness through its “Who I Really Am” campaign. The initiative, created by Publicis, aimed to combat stereotypes by showcasing the achievements and capabilities of Black youth through customized hoodies emblazoned with
real CEE alumni’s accomplishments.

The campaign launched on BlackYouthCan.ca with a hero video and profiles of nine featured alumni, highlighting their skills and experiences. Social media eff orts targeted employers, emphasizing the discrimination faced by Black youth and their readiness for workplace challenges. Contextual out-of-home executions were strategically placed, and partnerships with influential Black Toronto figures amplified the message.

The impact was significant, including a 760% increase in site visitors to CEE during the campaign. Social media engagement soared, with a 400% increase in TikTok video views and an 88% increase in LinkedIn page views. Program queries surged by over 13,000, creating a waiting list for the first time. The campaign garnered 170 million out-of-home impressions and 17 million earned media impressions, including coverage
by major news outlets.


Executive Team:
Andrew Bruce, CEO, Publicis Groupe Canada
Stephanie McRae, Head of DEI, Publicis Groupe Canada
Scott Pinkney, CCO, Publicis Hawkeye
Nicole Grant, SVP, North Strategic
Steve Persico, Lisa Greenberg, Co-CCOs, Leo Burnett Toronto
Ben Tarr, President, Leo Burnett Toronto
Eric Seguin, CFO: Publicis Groupe Canada

Creative Leads:
Scott Pinkney, CCO, Publicis Hawkeye
Natee Likitsuwankool, ACD/ Art Director, Leo Burnett Toronto
Appanna Chetranda, ACD/ Copywriter, Leo Burnett Toronto

Emma Bayfield, Senior Strategist, Publicis Canada
Chris Whyte, Group Strategy Director, Publicis Canada
Aleeza Yermus, Senior Strategist, Leo Burnett Toronto

Account Leads:
Daniel Vescio, Account Director, Publicis Canada
Deb Sanyal, Account Supervisor, Publicis Canada

Tara Handley, VP Head of Production, Saatchi
Darrell Martin, Retoucher, TPM
Chris Benson, Editor, TPM

Production: IQ & Maker
Mark Bisson & Jennifer Millington, Executive Producers
Terry Theofilactidis, Executive Producer
Morgan Detmer, Line Producer
Kobi Ntiri, Video Director
Darrell Wonge, Director of Photography
Alex Chan, Photographer

Web Design:
Kevin Chinbuah, Senior Exp. Designer, Publicis Sapient
Matty Rivera, Tech Lead, Publicis Canada
Melanie Jarcaig, Director of Digital Production, Publicis Canada

Colour: Studio Feather
Sara Windrim, Executive Producer
Ebi Agbeyegbe, Colourist

Online: The Pub Productions
Hali Gale, Flame Artist
Tony Ramayon, Motion Graphics
Sherry Kennedy, Producer

Audio: TA2 Sound + Music
Steve Gadsden, Audio Director
Christine Leslie, Executive Producer
Ken Lo, Audio Engineer

Nikki Stone, EVP, Managing Director, Zenith Media
Steve White, Strategy Director, Zenith Media
Marina Matyash, VP, Digital Performance, Zenith Media