2024 Winner


SilverPress Single

SilverIntegrated Campaign

SilverHealth and Wellness Education and Advocacy

BronzeCommunity Building

MeritInfluencer/Talent Marketing

"Pride Unravelled"
The Canadian government stopped tracking anti-LGBTQ+ hate incidents in 2021, so Egale decided to take on the task itself. With “Pride Unravelled,” by VML, data collected over three months was represented as a Pride flag with 6,423 missing threads, each representing an act of hate such as a protest or social post. The point was that if hate is left unchecked, there would be no flag to fly.

The unravelled flag was shared with three members from Canada’s LGBTQ+ community, whose reactions were captured on film. The unravelled flag itself appeared in print, OOH, digital, social and at live events. A website included safety tools and a bank of social media assets, which were downloaded and used by labour unions, schools, research centres and other advocacy organizations. Stories behind the 6,423 incidents were printed, bound with threads from the unravelled flag and sent to politicians. The campaign contributed to the Canadian government providing funding for increased Pride event security and to start tracking anti-LGBTQ+ hate incidents again after a two-year hiatus.


Graham Lang, Chief Creative Officer, TAXI/VML
Allen Kwong, Executive Creative Director, TAXI/VML
Mike Richardson, Creative Director, TAXI/VML
Zachary Richman, Copywriter, TAXI/VML
Logan Franklin, Art Director, TAXI/VML
Logan Franklin, Designer, TAXI/VML
Valentina Fortun, Designer, TAXI/VML
Kyle Simpson, Designer, TAXI/VML
Anh Nguyen, Designer, TAXI/VML
Jennifer Yoon, Designer, TAXI/VML

Amy Delafontaine, Strategist, TAXI/VML
Michal Fetsum, Strategist, TAXI/VML
Andrew Ahern, Group Strategy Director, TAXI/VML
Samantha Glasbey, Account Director, TAXI/VML
Aaron Nilsen, PR and Communications Lead, TAXI/VML

Heather Hyland, Producer, TAXI/VML
Jonathan Lajoie, Producer, TAXI/VML
Andrew O'Driscoll, Retouching, TAXI/VML
Henry Eugenio, Print Producer, TAXI/VML
Jessy Stark, Digital Producer, VML
William Lee, Banner Developer, VML

Sparks, Photography Production Company
Regina Garcia, Photographer, Sparks

Jonathan Lajoie, Director, TAXI/VML

Ash Tailor-Jones, Cinematographer, Freelance

Rooster Post Production, Editorial House
Colin Murdock, Editor, Rooster Post Production

OSO Audio, Music
Fort York VFX, Online/Post
Alter Ego Post, Colour

Doris Chung, Liquid Ink, Book Binding

Rogers, Media Company

Jennifer Boyce, Egale Canada, Director of Communications
Mark Fellion, Egale Canada, Director of Development