2024 Winner

SilverCampaign Led by PR

The Student Debt
Crisis Center

"Major Debt"
No Fixed Address
With millions of Americans burdened by massive student loans, The Student Debt Crisis Center wanted to address the shame surrounding graduates’ debts. The “Major Debt” collection of customizable varsity sweatshirts swapped out college names for individuals’ debt totals.

The campaign, by No Fixed Address, turned borrowers into mini walking billboards to raise awareness of the issue. A photoshoot showcased the sweatshirts, poking fun at common college aesthetics while highlighting the real cost of education. Wearers turned their debt into protest symbols, appearing at demonstrations and in major publications. The sweatshirts sparked conversations about student debt, empowering borrowers to speak out against the growing crisis, even without a platform.


Natalia Abrams, President & Founder
Cody Hounanian, Executive Director
Sabrina Calazans, Managing Director

Agency: No Fixed Address
Alexis Bronstorph, Chief Creative Officer
Kelsey Horne, Chief Creative Officer
Reid Plaxton, Senior Art Director
Allegra Wiesenfeld, Senior Copywriter
Spencer Houghston, Integrated Producer
Ty Gates, Communications Director

Bradley Golding, Director + Photographer
Anna Vershinina, Editor
Geneviève Smith, Wardrobe Stylist