2024 Winner


Quebec Maple Syrup Producers (QMSP)
"Bill The Maple"


Chief Creative Officer: Aaron Starkman, Mike Dubrick, Daniel Lobatón
Chief Strategy Officer: Sean McDonald
Executive Creative Director: Xavier Blais
Writer : Nicolas Dubois, Nicolas Labbé
Art Director : Claudia Barbiero
Head of Strategy: Pascal Routhier
Strategist: Anastasia Mojaïsky
Public Relations Director: Kristel Dupont
Public Relations Coordinator: Mégane Landry
Director of Integrated Content - Print/Studio: AJ Merrick
Associate Director of Integrated Production: Kate A. Spencer
Senior Integrated Producer: Terri Winter
Studio Manager: Todd Bennett
Studio Artist: Steph Sherwood, Justin Chan
Studio Retoucher: Todd Bennett, Kostas Loukopoulos
Head of Accounts: Mélanie Châteauneuf
Account Director: Victor Brunton
Account Manager: Adriana Marquis-Duzink, Geneviève Rioux
Content Photographer/Cinematographer: Denis Gutiérrez-Ogrinc
Editor/Online / VFX / Motion Graphics: Thomas Mckeen (R+D Post)
Audio Engineer: Ed Zych
R+D Post Production Supervisor: Shannon Ing
Digital Team (landing page): Ken Malley, Alex Fleming, Dustin Gamble
Media Agency: CROSSMEDIA
Director, Investment Publishing and OOH: Deborah Small-Augi
Group Account Director: Jennifer Dolan
Account Director: Emily Andrews
Incentive Parter: Incentive Insights
Director of Operations: Shawn Phillips

Director, Market Development and Promotion: David Marino
Project Manager, Communication and Promotion: Noémie Durand