2024 Winner

GoldOut-of-Home Single

The Canadian
Lung Association

"The Smoking Forest"
In the summer of 2023, devastating wildfires ravaged over 16.5 million hectares across Canada, resulting in the country’s air quality index plummeting to the world’s worst levels. Despite this, many Canadians were unaware that inhaling wildfire smoke was akin to smoking seven cigarettes daily. Enter the Canadian Lung Association, renowned for its campaigns in the 1980s that linked smoking cigarettes to poor lung health.

“The Smoking Forest,” by McCann, harkened back to that era by adopting the same look and feel of antismoking campaigns. To hammer home the message, the campaign compared the new danger (wildfires) to an old danger (smoking) with the visual of a forest ablaze, resembling a lit cigarette. By equating wildfire smoke to smoking cigarettes, the campaign raised awareness about the association between poor air quality and lung cancer.


CCO: Josh Stein
CSO: AJ Jones
President: Ryan Timms
ECD: Brian Allen
Sr. Art Director: Justin Tabakian
Sr. Copywriter Jordan Finlayson
Executive Media Director: Julie Evans
Production Lead (CRAFT): Alejandro Acuña
Project Manager (CRAFT): Mauro Aliaga-Díaz
CG Artist (CRAFT): Ricardo Soto