2024 Winner


Environmental Leadership Canada
"The Planet's Scariest Bouquet"
Zulu Alpha Kilo
Environmental Leadership Canada and Zulu Alpha Kilo teamed to highlight the impact of climate change – by putting the focus on Antarctica’s native flowering plants, which are growing at an unprecedented rate. Drawing attention to the widespread effects of climate change, ZAK created “The Planet’s Scariest Bouquet,” a suite of assets that included a film that framed the blooms as ominous symbols of climate change.

It noted that, while flowers are typically given to others to express love or convey sympathy and gratitude, this bouquet is a “symbol of inaction.” It urged leaders to step up and encouraged viewers to send digital versions of the bouquet to their government representatives. Additionally, a physical replica of the bouquet was displayed at the climate conference to remind decision-makers of the urgent
need for environmental action.


Agency: Zulu Alpha Kilo
Creative Chairman: Zak Mroueh
Chief Creative Officer: Zak Mroueh, Tim Gordon
ACD/Art Director: Ivan Mallqui, Michael Romaniuk
ACD/Writer: Marco Buchar, Greg Kieltyka
Account Team: Patti Ann Cochren
Planning Team: Heather Segal, Meredith Ferguson
Client: Environmental Leadership Canada
Client: Beata Rasitsan, Client: Beata Rasitsan, Skw'akw'as Sunshine Lillian
PR Team: Kelly Flynn, Katie Hull
Production House: Zulubot
DP: Can Yuksel
PA/Camera Assist: Noah Mroueh
Producer: Colleen Allen, Amy Groll
Post House: Zulubot
Editor: Erin Brazeau
Colour/ Online: Felipe Chaparro
Music & Sound: Agosto Music & Sound Craft
Music Director: Claudia Incio
Music Producer: Jose Campos
Sound Designer & Mix: Charly García