2024 Winner

The M for Mpact

GoldEducation & Advocacy

SilverCommunity Building

Love & Nudes
"The Stage Zero Collection"
McCann and Love & Nudes, an inclusive lingerie brand focused on Black women, addressed disparity in breast cancer outcomes by launching “The Stage Zero Collection” – a pioneering toolset designed to help women identify
breast cancer signs on darker skin tones.

Collaborating with medical experts, Love & Nudes meticulously recreated breast cancer symptoms with accuracy for darker skin tones. After 18 months of rigorous clinical trials, they launched “The Stage Zero Collection” on World Cancer Day during Black History Month. The campaign used social media videos, influencer partnerships and
pop-up events to raise awareness.

The efforts influenced policy change in Canada, leading to more equitable breast cancer screening protocols in the country’s most populous province. They also partnered with medical organizations to train new doctors using their collection, ensuring better early detection and treatment. The campaign garnered significant media coverage, with over $7.9 million in earned media and
overwhelmingly positive sentiment.


Agency: McCann Canada
CCO: Josh Stein
CSO: AJ Jones
President: Ryan Timms
Creative Director: Gail Pak
Creative Director: Mike Shuman
Art Director: Olivia Hashka
Copywriter: Jon Dick
Copywriter: Elfreda Tetteh
Strategist: Alexandra Montgomery
Designer: Johan Hogdahl
Account Supervisor: Navjot Kaur
VP, Director of Production: Jacqueline Bellmore
Producer: Laurie Filgiano
Producer: Sharon Nelson-Bailey
Analyst, Business Insights and Data: Rachel Wilson
Artist: Megan Campbell
Doctor: Dr. Mojola Omole

Production: Craft
Head of Content: Travis Wood
Producer, Director: Leen Tangney
Editor: Rod Reano
Animator: Jeromey Shannon
Designer: Pablo Rodriguez
Proofreader: Beverley Furer
Audio Engineer: Dino Cuzzolino
DOP: Alex Tong
AC: Praven Yoganathan

Post Production: Nice Shoes
Colourist: Tricia Hagoriles

Spark Innovations
President, Design Director: Chris Pearen
Senior Industrial Designer, Design Manager: Bartek Zalewski
Industrial Designer: Catalina Navarro
Industrial Designer: Asa Couture

Nova Product
Owner: Garry Campbell

Brand: Love & Nudes
Founder: Chantal Carter
Web Developer: Chris Twizell

McCann Development Team
VP Digital Solutions: Andrew Brown
Developer: Michael Harley

PR: Weber Shandwick
SVP, Creative Strategy - Becca Young
VP, Client Expérience - Cynthia Reyes
VP, Integrated Media Strategy - Deane Code
VP, Strategic Planning - Alicia Aleksandrowicz
Associate, Client Experience - MacKenzie Sheridan
Associate, Integrated Media - Kayne Alleyne-Adams
Associate, Integrated Media - Ashley Mcfarlane
Senior Associate, Integrated Media - Krystal St. John
Associate, Integrated Media - Florencia Cassagnet
Associate, Integrated Media - Taya Lafontaine