2024 Winner


World Vision
Broken Heart Love Affair
World Vision wanted to address global food insecurity during the giving season by highlighting the urgent need to feed hungry children in fragile areas. But, recognizing donor fatigue, the organization knew it needed a new approach. Working with BHLA, World Vision shifted the narrative from guilt-inducing appeals to showcasing the positive outcomes made possible by donors. The concept “Feed a child. Feed a childhood.” emphasized that alleviating hunger restores childhood joy.

The campaign’s centerpiece, “Burp,” used humour to address the issue, showing children joyfully belching after receiving food aid. This light-hearted approach certainly resonated with audiences, and resulted in a significant increase in website traffic and donor trust, with a notable rise in perceived contribution impact and donation likelihood.

By reframing the narrative from guilt to hope and showcasing tangible results, BHLA and World Vision engaged donors and challenged traditional charity advertising norms, ultimately making a meaningful impact on child hunger.


Agency: Broken Heart Love Affair
Chief Strategy Officer: Jay Chaney
Creative Directors: Michael Morelli, Marty Hoefkes
Art Director: Michael Morelli
Copywriter: Marty Hoefkes
EVP, Managing Director: Tyler Robson
VP, Client Success: Melissa Tobenstein
Director, Client Success: Tiffany Stewart
Account Executive: Sweetha Mahendran
SVP, Executive Producer: Erica Metcalfe

Client: World Vision Canada
President and CEO: Michael Messenger
Vice President, Marketing: Martin Campbell
Director, Brand, Creative and Campaigns: Jennifer Watton

Production Company: Holiday Films
Executive Producers: Josefina Nadurata
Director: The TAO/S
Directors Of Photography: Brandon Blight
Production Service Company: The Big Picture Company
Producer: Kirsten Bowman

Casting Company: Casting Me
Casting Director: Tracey Lund

Editorial Company: Saints Editorial
Executive Producer: Michelle Rich, Emily McKay
Editor: Ross Birchall
Assistant Editor: Phoebe Lorimer

CG & VFX Company: Darling VFX
VFX Artist: Paul Binney
Executive Producer: Morgan Campbell

Colour Company: Darling VFX
Colourist: Kassi Bellamy
Executive Producer: Morgan Campbell

Audio House: Grayson Music
Creative Director: Mark Domitric
Executive Producer: KellyMcCluskey

PR Agency: North Strategic
Vice President: Joanna Leong

Media Agency: Starcom Inc.
Account Director: Muz Hamza
Associate Director: Peter Forde