2024 Winner

GoldOnline Film

"Committed to Community"
Ethnicity Matters
During Asian Heritage Month, TD launched “Committed to Community” to recognize overlooked Pan-Asian communities, customers and colleagues. The campaign, by Ethnicity Matters, highlighted the humble beginnings and resilience of Canada’s Asian immigrants, focusing on emerging communities in Canada’s small towns and individual efforts to establish themselves within them. One spot profiled a business owner’s Asian market in Whitehorse, Yukon, where the Chinese population is only a few hundred, while another focused on an individual who helped establish a cricket pitch in Grand Prairie, Alberta, where the South Asian population numbers less than 2,000.

The campaign delivered significant results, with the films surpassing YouTube view-through benchmarks and achieving a 12% lift in ad recall compared to the
previous quarter.


Rachel Lancaster, Senior Group Manager, Brand and Corporate Citizenship Marketing - TD Bank
Sandy Avvari Nayani, Marketing Manager, Brand and Corporate Citizenship - TD Bank
Wendy Castillo McFarlane, Managing Director - Ethnicity Matters
Waseem Shaikh, Group Creative Director - Ethnicity Matters
Winnie Biala Mittal, Group Account Director - Ethnicity Matters
Wesley Lai, Account Director - Ethnicity Matters
Jimmy Ma, Art Director - Ethnicity Matters
Natasha Habib, Account Executive - Ethnicity Matters