2024 Winner

BronzeEducation & Advocacy

"Unstandardized Desk"
Zulu Alpha Kilo
D2L, a leader in online learning software, wanted to increase its profile in the minds of the education community – inspiring educators, as well as technology professionals. Using the brand’s commitment to personalized learning as the pivot point, D2L worked with Zulu Alpha Kilo to redefine the most one-size-fits-all relic of old-school learning: the school desk. The “Unstandardized Desk” project challenged the utilitarian nature of traditional desks in education. Collaborating with teachers and students, the partners developed a desk concept with hinged panels made from Nordic wood that could be adjusted to suit different learning styles and preferences.

Following the launch, a quantitative study with educators across North America showed that 87% said it helped them understand just how different learning styles can be, 93% said it helped them understand D2L’s vision for personalized learning, and 80% felt it demonstrates D2L is a thought leader in education. A passing grade for sure.


Agency: Zulu Alpha Kilo
Chief Creative Officer: Brian Murray, Zak Mroueh
Creative Director/Copywriter: Jonah Flynn
Creative Director/Art Director: Michael Siegers
Account Team: Lisa Walton-Rixon, Erika Dafoe, Shauna McKenna
Strategy Director: Maxine Thomas
Client: D2L
Clients: David Demoe, John Baker
Industrial Design: Miles Keller, Dystil
Production: Zulubot
Senior Producer: Laura Dubcovsky
Content Producer: Colleen Allen
Executive Producer: Adam Palmer
Director: Jessie Posthumus
PR: Walker Sands
Media: D2L