2023 Winner


GoldSocial Media

Unilever (Dove)
"Keep the Grey"
Dove’s #KeepTheGrey campaign was launched within 48 hours after Lisa LaFlamme, a top national news anchor, was abruptly let go – a move many speculated
stemmed from her decision to go grey during the pandemic.

The campaign was a call to action to fight against the double standards women face when it comes to grey hair in the workplace. Dove (Unilever), with Edelman, quickly mobilized a social media campaign that included paid, owned and earned media. Dove turned its gold logo grey and recruited people and brands to do the same with their profile pictures. The hashtag #KeepTheGrey trended on Twitter,
turning one woman’s experience into a force for change.


Global Chief Creative Officer, Judy John
Chief Creative Officer, Canada: Anthony Chelvanathan
Agency: Edelman Canada
Chief Strategy Office: Laura Kim
VP, Creative Director: Mary Soroka
VP, Creative Director: Shauna Roe
Client Lead: Danielle Bozinoff
VP, Brand: Jennifer Meehan
Head of Influencer: Sara Rezaee
Influencer Specialist: Madison Boratto
Influencer Specialist: Gabriel-Lee Steed
Earned Media Specialist: Caelan McMichael
Data Intelligence Lead: Nicholas Boles
Data Intelligence: Polina Sandomirsky
Crisis & Risk: Sofiya Yusypovych
Crisis & Risk: Greg Vanier