2023 Winner


BronzeBrand Environment

Carrefour Solidaire
"Serres de rue"
Sid Lee X Au / Lab X Carrefour Alimentaire
To explore new and more sustainable ways to use urban land, Carrefour Solidaire launched “Serres de rue,” which means street greenhouses, and installed them directly on the streets of Montreal. The campaign, by Sid Lee X Au/Lab X Carrefour Alimentaire, transformed car shelters into passive solar greenhouses that grow fresh produce. The visual identity was based on a car shelter that grows and transforms into a logotype, as well as a series of icons and illustrations used for company materials. With circular design in mind, old traffic signs were upcycled to create a learning route along the greenhouses for pedestrians and for school groups to learn about the science behind the project, sustainable ways to grow food and public policies that could be changed to allow the spread of similar initiatives. Gardening tools for the greenhouses were built from the same traffic signs. The first few crops were distributed to local low-income communities, and the project will continue to grow and organize
school visits in the future.


Marie-Elaine Benoit, Design Director, Sid Lee, Montreal
Benjamin Lamingo, Designer, Sid Lee, Montreal
Charlotte Boisclair, Designer, Sid Lee, Montreal
Jean-François Mayrand, Art Director, Sid Lee, Montreal
Thierry Faucher, Copywriter, Sid Lee, Montreal
Marie-Camille Ostiguy, Account Supervisor, Sid Lee, Montreal
Bo Tellier, Workplace Manager, Sid Lee, Montreal
Jean-Francois Dumais, Executive Creative Director, Sid Lee, Montreal
Jean-Philippe Vermette, Creation and Director of interventions and public policies, Au/Lab Héloïse Koltuk, Creation and Scientific advisor in circular economy, Au/Lab
Sylvie Chamberland, Creation and Co-Director General, Carrefour solidaire
Emilie Klein, Creation and Urban Agriculture Coordinator, Carrefour solidaire
Maxime Lapostolle, Video producer for the Maison de l'innovation sociale, Maison de l'innovation sociale