2023 Winner

SilverInfluencer/Talent Marketing
"Train Spotting"
"Train Spotting"
Metrolinx partnered with British trainspotter and TikTok influencer Francis Bourgeois to create “Train Spotting,” a campaign by Rethink that would get young Ontarians excited about transit and boost ridership. Shot in his own style and format, Bourgeois’ videos showcased the joys of riding GO Transit and UP Express to his 2.6 million followers. The PR strategy harnessed traditional media channels to amplify Francis’ content across the rest of the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, and the use of TikTok ignited a flurry of reposts, shares, duets and stitched videos. The campaign achieved 14.6 million impressions, 6.5 million TikTok views, and 953,000 combined likes on TikTok and Instagram. Average discretionary ridership reached 94% of pre-pandemic levels and exceeded 2019 numbers.
Chief Creative Officer: Aaron StarkmanChief Strategy Officer: Sean McDonald
Executive Creative Director: Mike Dubrick
Creative Director: Loretta Lau, Arjang Esfandiyari
Art Director: Amber Arezes
Designer: Erin Maguire
Developer: Dustin Gamble
Editor: Tyler Erdelac, Nigel McGinn
Lead Strategist: Julian Morgan
Strategist: Daavi Wong Wolfson
Strategic Communications Lead: Meredith Montgomery
PR Account Director: Sara Lemmermeyer
PR Coordinator: Kait Vian
Producer: Sheldon Sam, Keegan Shay
Account Services: Kristy Suurna, Amanda Dornan
Client Supervisor: Sharyn Byrne-Nearing, Holly Kyriacou