2023 Winner


Kraft Heinz
"Ketchup A.I."
To connect with younger consumers, Kraft Heinz launched a campaign for its ketchup using the A.I. image generator DALL-E 2, after discovering that the prompt for ‘ketchup’ would inevitably result in images of bottles resembling Heinz. The campaign, by Rethink, took to social media for suggestions for Heinz mashup image prompts and generated visuals from them. This included images such as “ketchup in space”, “ketchup cubism” and “psychedelic ketchup”. The A.I. images were featured on social media, in a long format video, on special edition bottles, and in an art gallery in the metaverse and in person. The campaign generated over 1.15 billion earned impressions and had a 38% higher engagement rate on social media than benchmarks. Even brands such as Ducati and Sportsnet chimed in with A.I. Ketchup image mashup requests.


Chief Creative Officer: Aaron Starkman, Mike Dubrick
Chief Strategy Officer: Sean McDonald
Creative Director: Xavier Blais, Zachary Bautista
Associate Creative Director : Geoff Baillie
Writer: Geoff Baillie, Xavier Blais, Aman Soin
Art Director : Zachary Bautista
Interactive Designer: Alex Fleming
Strategist: Julian Morgan
Producer: Alex Butt, Steph Walker-Wells
Post Supervisor: Megan O'Connor, Shannon Ing
Digital Producer: Sheldon Sam
Print Producer: AJ Merrick
Studio: Brad Kumar
Group Account Director: Jamie Sutherland
Account Director: David Greisman
Account Manager: Ashlynn Labinaz
Editor: Tyler Erdelac, Anna Vershinina
Video VFX: Dustin Gamble, Jean-Nicolas Duval
Client: Megan Lang
PR: Middle Child, Zeno
Media: Carat, P57