2022 Winner

BronzeOut-of-Home Campaign
Assaulted Women's Helpline
"House With No Escape"
Giants & Gentlemen
"House With No Escape"
Giants & Gentlemen
One in four women experience domestic abuse at some point in their life, and during the pandemic calls to the Assaulted Women’s Helpline increased by 86%. However, it’s not easy for women to leave their abusers, taking into consideration their children at home, financial repercussions and the fear of what their partners might do. To demonstrate the difficulty, Giants & Gentlemen created “The House with No Escape,” a series of OOH ads featuring homes that appear completely bricked in, accompanied by the message: “When you live with abuse, there’s no easy way out.” A film included shocked reactions of passersby in a Toronto neighbourhood when they saw a bricked-in home featuring a lawn sign with the same message.
Agency: Giants & GentlemenChief Creative Officer / Co-Founder: Alanna Nathanson
Chief Creative Officer / Co-Founder: Natalie Armata
Associate Creative Director / Art Director: Becky May
Associate Creative Director / Copywriter: Logan Broger
Business Lead: Krista Blaylock
Account Coordinator: Clodagh Power
Agency Producers: Dana Klyszeijko, Kirsten White
Photographer: Steven Kim
Build Team: Timbr
CCO: Scott Kinnear
Production House: Brave Productions
Executive Producer: Rob Tunnicliff
Producer: Ruth Eddolls
DOP: Mark Peachey
Camera Assistant: Jeff Feldcamp
Post House: divisn
Editor: Dino Harambasic
PR: Boulevard of Dreams
Publicist: Lori Harito