2022 Winner

Pfaff Harley-Davidson
"Tough Turban"
Zulu Alpha Kilo
"Tough Turban"
Zulu Alpha Kilo
When the Ontario government passed legislation in 2018 exempting Sikh men from helmet laws, a need emerged for protection that didn’t violate religious tenets. Inspired by ancient Sikh warriors who had chain mail woven into the fabric of their turbans, Pfaff Harley-Davidson and Zulu Alpha Kilo’s “Tough Turban” featured a carbon-fibre version of chain mail, along with a pliable material that hardens on impact.
The production files for the prototype were made open-source to allow manufacturers anywhere in the world to produce the turbans in their own markets. Media coverage spanned numerous outlets in the U.S., Canada, the U.K. and India, totalling 238.8 million earned impressions and an advertising value of $2.19 million.
The production files for the prototype were made open-source to allow manufacturers anywhere in the world to produce the turbans in their own markets. Media coverage spanned numerous outlets in the U.S., Canada, the U.K. and India, totalling 238.8 million earned impressions and an advertising value of $2.19 million.
Agency: Zulu Alpha KiloChief Creative Officer: Zak Mroueh
Creative Director: Zak Mroueh
Head of Design: Stephanie Yung
ACD Art Director: Vic Bath
ACD Writer: Dan Cummings
Designer: Jeff Watkins
Agency Producer: Laura Dubcovsky, Kathryn Brown
Account Team: Rob Feightner, Matt Sinuita, David Tremblay, Karla Ramirez, Allison Diaz Mercado
Strategy Team: Spencer MacEachern, Shaunagh Farrelly
Client: Pfaff Harley-Davidson
Client: Brandon Durmann, Melanie Somerville
Product Design: Sparks Innovation
Production House: Zulubot
Executive Producer: Tom Evans
Line Producer: Colleen Allen
Director: Barbara Shearer
DOP James Arthurs
Editor: Jessie Posthumus
Motion Graphics: Ashlee Mitchell
Illustrator: Nabil Elsaadi, Rasna Jaswal
Audio Engineer: Dino Cuzzolino
Web Design: Jacqui Lau, Kesia Payne
Photographers: The Moto Foto | Dan Lim. Raina + Wilson | Fuze Reps.
Online Artist: Felipe Chaparro
Head of Production: Adam Palmer
PR Team: Jacki Nelson Shilletto | Nelson Connects, Andrew Findlater | Select PR