2021 Winner

BronzeBrand Identity
Suneeva / Asymetric Media / Sequoia Content
"Practice Safe Sets"
"Practice Safe Sets"
Practice Safe Sets is a group that was formed during the pandemic to ensure the resumption of shoots doesn’t come at the cost of a production crew’s safety.
Created by the design team at Cossette – and freely available to anyone who wants to use it – an online platform contains extensive mobile- friendly lists that offer a methodical database of potential production set risks and ways to mitigate them.
The guide tracks every single department through every step of the production process, from the brief and preparation stages all the way to wrap and equipment returns.
Created by the design team at Cossette – and freely available to anyone who wants to use it – an online platform contains extensive mobile- friendly lists that offer a methodical database of potential production set risks and ways to mitigate them.
The guide tracks every single department through every step of the production process, from the brief and preparation stages all the way to wrap and equipment returns.
Agency: CossetteGlobal Chief Creative Officer(s): Peter Ignazi
Executive Creative Director(s): Craig McIntosh, Jaimes Zentil
Head of Design, Group Creative Director: Luis Coderque
Creative Director of Design: Mark Neil Balson
Designer: Julie MacKinnon
Developer: Executive Agency
Printer: Moveable Inc.
Client(s): Suneeva, Asymetric Media & Sequoia Content
Executive Producer, Suneeva: Geoff Cornish
Head of Operations, Suneeva: Robert Perry