2021 Winner

SilverAugmented/Virtual Reality

David Suzuki Foundation
"The Green New Bill"
Sid Lee
COVID-19 delayed the federal government’s plans to fght climate change – even though, according to Canadian economists, a green recovery plan would lead to more money for all Canadians. The David Suzuki Foundation teamed up with Sid Lee to strike while the country’s economic recovery plan was still in the works, creating a new version of the $20 bill – the country’s only green one – showing the real value each bill would have if the equivalent were invested in a green recovery: exactly $307.85.

To get the message into people’s hands during social distancing, it used Facebook and Instagram AR filters, turning each $20 bill into media that educated users on what a green recovery would entail and look like. Over 200 Canadian organizations joined in and shared the bill on their platforms to add to the pressure on the federal government ahead of its 2020 Speech from the Throne.


Sid Lee

David Suzuki Foundation
Communications Director, Diego Creimer

Executive Creative Director, Kristian Manchester
Creative Directors, Jonathan Lavoie, David Allard
Art Director, Philippe Cossette
Designer, Sarah-Jeanne Turgeon
Content Creative, Myriam St-Aubin

Strategists, Elisabeth Jamot, Pauline Desprès
Strategy Director, Content, Nicolas Naulevade
Content Strategist, Élie Brisebois, Lucie de Closets
Account director, Justine Trudeau
Account supervisor, Annie Dufresne
Coordinator, Laurie Perron, Marie-Ly Cormier
Executive producer, Marie-Christine Côté
Producer, Jean-Pierre Marcotte
Print producer, Maxime England
Film Director, Thomas Fortier
Colourist, Béatrice Tremblay
Video editor, Benoit Marcoux, Sonya Nadon
Web integration, Pascal Monette
Sound Production Company, Le Confessionnal
Translator & Proofreader, Chelsey Lam, Marie-Claude Demers