2018 Winner

Le Festival de magie de Québec

The Mind Reading Billboard


BronzeDigital - Creative Use of Technology

BronzeOut-of-Home - Transit/Posters Single

To promote Québec’s magic festival, the event rolled out a transit ad that asked the age-old trick question: pick a card. Using eye-tracking technology to watch where audiences’ eyes lingered longest, the billboard then accurately (for the most part) guessed the card that the commuter was thinking about. Ta Da! Technical magic.

Creative Director : Luc Du Sault - lg2
Writer : Camille Gagnon - lg2
Art Director : Camille Gagnon - lg2
Account director : Tania Pons Kilfoil - lg2
Agency producer : Julie Pichette - lg2
Director : David Poulin - Nova Film
Technology & programming : Mathieu Tremblay - Cortex
Technology & programming : François Couderc - Cortex
Technology & programming : Jérémie Pelletier - Cortex
Engineering : Quatro Design
Mac artist : Marie-Ève Roussy - lg2
Media partner : Astral Affichage