2018 Winner

Parc Olympique

Parc Olympique ad platform


SilverDesign - Promotion

Everyone wants to be an Olympian, and at Parc Olympique in Montreal, people can actually participate in their favourite Olympic sports. To communicate the offering of the stadium, the brand rolled out 12 posters based on popular activities. From swimming to volleyball to tennis, all of the posters were hand-assembled (without the use of glue or string) and used laser-cut craft cardboard. The images say little, save the park’s name, letting people get lost in the dreamy visuals.

Creative Direction: Claude Auchu, Marc Fortin
Art Direction: Philippe Leduc, Fredéric Tremblay, Mario Pesant
Copywriters: Geneviève Langlois, Alexis Cadieux
Stratégy : Maryse Sauvé
Lead – Account Services: Julie Pilon, Thalie Poulin
Account Services: Gabrielle Fortin-Larose
Photography: Consulat – Jocelyn Michel
Print Production Management: Claudia Riverin
Graphic Production: Karine Allie