2018 Winner

Carex Mini-Storage



BronzePress - Newspaper Single

Did Lance Armstrong fake the moon landing? Is Donald Trump’s hair real? To help promote the idea that Carex Mini-Storage is an ideal small-storage solution, the company rolled out print ads that featured some of the world’s most famous people, squirreled away in tight spaces designed to protect their deepest, darkest secrets. No one really believes that Kim Jong’s greatest love is all things red, white and blue, though most people already have their suspicions about Trump’s hair.

Title: Carex Mini-Storage - Small Spaces for your Big Secrets
Client: Carex Mini-Storage
Creative Director: Ian Grais / Chris Staples / Nicolas Quintal
Art Director: Maxime Sauté
Writer: Xavier Blais / Olivier Goulet-Lafond
Illustrator: Maxime Sauté
Strategist: Pascal Routhier
Account Services: Alex Lefebvre, Catherine Blouin-Mainville
Media Partner: Gilles Bordonado, Rublications La Revue - Trait d'Union