2017 Winner

Sports Experts



GoldDigital - Games

To break through the holiday marketing clutter on social, Sports Experts rolled out a game that could be played on Facebook Live. Working together, audiences could manoeuvre a giant mechanical claw (like in arcade games) around an assortment of prizes, using the “like,” “heart,” “happy” and “surprised” emojis to shift the crane left, right, up and down. When they succeeded at picking up a Sports Experts item, the prize was raffled off to one of the participants. Actors gave a live running commentary on the game – much like you’d find in a real sporting event. In the end, “Grab-A-Gift” earned more than 2.2 million impressions, with players spending an average of eight minutes playing the “world’s first Facebook Live-controlled game.”

Creative Direction: Chris Staples, Ian Grais, Nicolas Quintal
Copywriting: Xavier Blais
Art Direction: Maxime Sauté
Client Services: Alex Lefebvre
Agency Production: Marie-Noëlle Rosso
Production: Guillaume Dubois (1one)
Creative Technology: Robocut Studio
PR Agency: North Strategic
Media Agency: Touché!