2017 Winner

Les Brasseurs du Nord

Boréale Classic Line Packaging


BronzeDesign - Packaging

In recent years, bear-branded brewer Boréale had been losing momentum and was seeing its share of shelf-space decline. Inspired by its positioning “Celebrate life naturally,” the brand decided to symbolically free the bear, letting it wander the packaging. With a simple colour scheme to help ID different SKUs, the design uses strong graphic features to grab attention at the shelf.

Client Team: Sébastien Paradis, Érika Godbout, Laurent Fouctière, Marie-Christine Fagnan
Creative Directors: Claude Auchu, David Kessous
Graphic Design: Marie-Pier Gilbert, Sophie Valentine, David Kessous, Claude Auchu
Planner: Marc-André Fafard
Account Director: Vanessa Dicaire
Account Coordinator: Antoine Levasseur
Photographers: Roger Proulx, Étienne Proulx